6.4500 Design for the Web: Languages and User Interfaces

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Studio 2

This studio is focused on design critique, with an emphasis on Learnability and Graphic Design, as the topics of this week's lectures.


You may have heard of Mastodon being the new up and coming social network! For this activity, you will split in groups based on whether you have any prior experience with Mastodon. Those with prior experience will be observing and taking notes, while those with no prior experience will be doing the following tasks:

  1. Sign up for an account
  2. Follow the other people in your team, as well as the instructors @karger@hci.social and @leaverou@front-end.social (feel free to unfollow after studio)
  3. Post a toot
  4. Send a direct message to one person in your team saying something about one of the instructors by mentioning their handle

For those who are observing, take notes about their experience, including:


Suppose you are a creative writer, and you want to apply for a grant. Try to follow the instructions on this government website to do so. Set up an account and initiate the grant proposal process, just to the point where you can actually download the PDF application form.

Using a phone with a different OS

We will only do this activity if we have sufficient diversity of phone OSes in the class.

Use a classmate's phone with an OS that is different than yours. For example, those with iPhones should use an Android (or other) device, and those with Android (or other) phones should use iPhones. Your classmate should give you the phone with the browser open (the exact page doesn't matter).

Your task is to…

  1. Switch to the email client and send an email message to yourself
  2. Adjust the screen brightness
  3. Take a screenshot

MIT Media Lab Website

Browse the MIT Media Lab website, its various groups, publications and the site of a group (e.g. Social Machines), including its list of people and other subpages.

Remember the graphic design principles we learned:

Which are followed and which (if any) are violated?

HW1 Critique & Feedback

In this website we have curated a few representative homework examples to discuss.