6.S063 Design for the Web: Languages and User Interfaces

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Studio 1

This studio has two goals:

  1. Teach you about design critique
  2. Practice VueJS so you can develop interactive UIs

Design critique

Two things:

a) Zara website

Screenshot of zara.com on Feb 16, 2023

b) Hands-on design critique: Braun Age Precision Digital Stick

We will pass the thermometer around during the Vue exercise below, along with some alcohol wipes for those who need them. When it reaches you, take a few minutes to use it. Try to use it to take a temperature (don’t put it under your armpits or in your mouth! Just hold it in your hand tightly). What did you struggle with? How could it have been designed better?

Making a basic To-Do app

We will make a simple to-do list that:

Then, if there is time, we will explore making usability improvements to our app.

You should open the Vue Cheatsheet as well as MaVue.

Step 1: Basic infrastructure

If you haven’t already, fork the studio1-starter repo and open index.html in your local Visual Studio code editor. Start a local server in that directory, and open http://localhost:8000 (or whatever port you've specified) in your browser.

Step 2: Basic HTML

Add the basic HTML for a list of tasks with one sample item (with a checkbox for "done" and text field) and buttons to delete items, add a new item, and clear completed items. Just static HTML, don’t worry about it being functional yet!

Mini HTML cheatsheet for some elements you will need:

We will not be using <label> here, since there is no visible label either, but in general you should use labels for all your form controls.

If you want to add more context for screen readers, but there is no visible text to wrap with a label, you can also use the aria-label attribute.

Step 3: Connecting the list of tasks to our HTML list

Right now, your HTML has one static item. Let's start connecting our HTML to our data model. Use v-for to tell Vue to template one list item per task in the data model.

Type app.addItem() in the console to make sure it works. You should get an additional list item every time.

Step 4: Making the add button functional

If you look at index.js, it already provides three functions for you that modify data: addItem(), deleteItem(i) (and also clearCompleted(), but don’t worry about that yet).

Use the @click action to make the add button in your template functional. Do not worry about the other buttons until the next step.

Step 5: Connecting the inputs with data

Type something in your to-do list and then type app.tasks[0] in the console. What do you see? It is still an empty object! This is because we have not yet connected our checkbox and text field to the data. Use v-model to connect the done and title properties of each task to their corresponding form elements.

Make sure you use the variable you have specified for the current item. If you write tasks.title instead, Vue will not give you an error because this is not technically an error: it will think you just want to write the title property on the tasks array, which in JS is a valid thing to do (though not what you want here). In JS, arrays are also objects, and can have arbitrary properties, in addition to their items (which hang on numeric properties).

Step 6: Making the rest of the buttons functional

Now hook up the "Clear completed" button and the delete item button, with the clearCompleted() and deleteItem(i) functions respectively.

Note that the deleteItem(i) function takes one parameter: the index of the item being deleted. It will not work if you don’t provide any arguments.

Step 7: Showing number of items, and number of done items

Now let's display some statistics about our to-do list!

First, add something that shows the total number of items; (array.length is useful here).

Let's also count how many items are done, i.e. how many objects have done == true. We will use MaVue’s get() function to get all done values in one array, and then the count() function to count them.

Step 8: Persisting data locally

It’s not a very useful to-do list if every time the page is refereshed our tasks are gone! Let’s use <ma-data> to persist data locally, in the browser.

You can just use src="local:tasks" to store your data locally in the browser under the tasks key.

Make sure to also use autosave, or have a button for saving, otherwise the component will not do anything!

Step 9: Improving efficiency

Now you have a fully functional to-do list, yay! Play around with it a bit, enter some tasks, mark some as done.

What do you notice? It’s a little annoying to use, isn’t it? You have to constantly switch from the keyboard (typing the task title) to the mouse (clicking on buttons, marking items as done).

In most to-do lists out there, there are established conventions for using them with the keyboard.

What are these and how can we implement them?

Show answer

One such convention, is that hitting Enter with the keyboard inserts a new item, and then focuses it.

You can use the keyup event, with an enter modifier to do that.

This will insert new items when the Enter key is pressed, but they will not be focused. You can use the v-focus MaVue directive to make sure the text field on new items is focused (the HTML autofocus attribute sadly works on page load, not element insertion).

Going even further

This is entirely optional; it is much harder than the previous steps, and only for the brave souls that really want to dive in.

Another common convention is that backspace on an empty item deletes entries. This is a trickier to implement, because you only want this to happen when the input is empty. Also, managing focus becomes harder, because the elements that should receive it already exist, so just using v-focus without a value will not work.

You can try at home if you want to do this, but it's out of scope for the studio. Some key ideas for implementation are: