Lecture 23 Web Standards

Why do standards matter?
A brief history of the Web

Tim Berners-Lee, a consultant at CERN, adapts IBM Starter Set, a markup language written in SGML, adds <a> and calls it HTML 1.

He submits a proposal to his boss, Mike Sendall, for what became the World Wide Web.

He writes the first browser, WorldWideWeb. It ran on NeXT, a high-end computer with an early GUI.

WorldWideWeb was ahead of its time, with editing and stylesheets but never caught on. Tim released its core as a C library, libwww, which led to a proliferation of browsers.

The first website

Nicola Pellow, an intern at CERN, develops the Line Mode Browser, based on libwww. It became far more popular due to its portability.

  • The web’s first browser featured full color, read/write capabilities, and multiple windows. The second browser was a text-only command line tool. Guess which one people actually used?
  • Its simplicity actually gave it an edge. The Line Mode Browser was easy to use (once you got it setup) and more importantly, easy to modify (hack) so that it could be bent to any purpose.
  • Read more:

CERN releases the Web in the public domain. Possibly the single most impactful decision that allowed the Web to flourish.

Tim founds World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a global organization to standardize Web technologies fast, and ensure the Web stays open and free for all.

NCSA releases the Mosaic browser, by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina. Invents <img>, which makes it rise to dominance and popularize the Web beyond academia.

Andreessen graduates, rewrites Mosaic, and starts a company. Netscape Navigator is born. Codenamed “Mozilla” during development.

Its innovations made it rise to dominance. More and more people get on the Web because of Netscape.

Netscape innovations

Internet browsing began to be seen as a profitable market. Microsoft licenses Mosaic, releases it as Internet Explorer 1.

Internet Explorer innovations

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The Browser Wars begin. Browsers “innovate” overnight, release incompatible features with little thought, without bringing them to W3C for standardization. Web developers suffer.

DOM Querying in the 90s

			if (document.getElementById) { // W3C
				return document.getElementById(id);
			else if (document.all) { // IE
				return document.all[id];
			else { // Netscape
				return document.layers[id];

The Battle of Styling: CSS vs JSSS

W3C, Microsoft: CSS

				<style type="text/css">
					h1 { color: red; }
					p { font-size: 20pt; }

					h3 {
						color: green;

					h2 {
						color: red;
						font-size: 16pt;
						margin-top: 4cm;

Netscape: JSSS

<style type="text/javascript">
		tags.H1.color = "red";
		tags.p.fontSize = "20pt";

		with (tags.H3) {
			color = "green";

		with (tags.H2) {
		    color = "red";
		    fontSize = "16pt";
		    marginTop = "4cm";

The Battle of Styling: Outcome

The Web Standards Project (WaSP) is funded by prominent web developers to urge browsers to support web standards and be interoperable.

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Netscape declines, unable to keep up with IE being bundled with Windows. Open sources its code in 1998 right before being bought by AOL. It will rise again, as Mozilla Firefox.

Without competition, IE stagnated. No new version until 2007. IE6, cutting edge in 2001 (!), becomes universally despised by web developers.

Mozilla Firefox and later Google Chrome, take over. They are open source and have far better standards support, both things making web developers willing to campaign for them.

IE plummets, and no amount of new releases, evangelism, and rebranding (as Microsoft Edge) can save it. Eventually Microsoft concedes and announces Edge moving to Chromium.

So what is a web standard, actually?

A standard or specification (“spec”) is a document that describes how a technology should work in precise language

Good specs contain enough detail that multiple parties can use them to implement a technology and end up with interoperable results

Who creates these specs?

Standards Bodies of Internet technologies

JavaScript Core (ECMAScript)

Often a technology changes hands

No spec
HTML 3.2, 4:
HTML 5, 5.1, 5.2:
HTML Living Standard:

Standards Bodies of Internet technologies

Internet Infrastructure, e.g. TCP/IP, gzip, IPv6, HTTP
  • Founded in 1994 by Tim Berners-Lee
  • CSS, SVG, HTML (in the past), DOM (in the past), many JS APIs, WCAG
  • Founded in 2004 as a reaction to W3C focusing on theoretical purity.
  • HTML, DOM, URL, Fetch
  • Javascript core (ECMAScript)
  • Netscape took JS there after W3C rejected it

Ok, but who actually writes these documents?

Working Groups (WGs)

A W3C Working Group

CSS Working Group


SVG Working Group


WebApps Working Group


WG collaboration

How does a spec come into existence?

Standards are like sausages, it’s better not to see them being made.

It all begins with an idea, the proposal

There’s a healthy debate

Possible outcomes

Once the WG accepts work to begin, the editor(s) begin iterating on a draft

Proposal vs Spec Draft

Spec maturity levels (W3C)

Editor’s Draft (ED)
Rough ideas
Working Draft (WD)
The WG as a whole has agreed to work on the spec, roughly as scoped out in the ED. Multiple iterations take it from First Public Working Draft (FPWD) to Last Call Working Draft (LCWD)
Candidate Recommendation (CR)
The spec is ready to be tested. At least 2 interoperable implementations required to advance.
Proposed Recommendation (PR)
Waiting for Advisory Committee approval
Recommendation (REC)
Completed state, maintainance phase. Only errata after this point.
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Testing is an essential part of the spec process. It ensures implementability.

A simple reftest

		body {
			background: red;
			background: conic-gradient(green, green)
Doesn’t support conic-gradient()
Supports conic-gradient()

Spec maturity levels (ECMA, TC-39)

Stage 0: Strawperson
Rough ideas
Stage 1: Proposal
  • Make the case for the addition
  • Describe the shape of a solution
  • Identify potential challenges
Stage 2: Draft
Precisely describe the syntax and semantics using formal spec language
Stage 3: Candidate
Further refinement after feedback from implementations and users
Stage 4: Finished
Ready for inclusion in the formal ECMAScript standard
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Spec maturity levels (IETF))

Internet Draft
Rough ideas
Request for Comments (RFC)
Two categories: Informational and Experimental. These are intended as mature drafts, but many technologies we consider mature are still in RFC stage.
Proposed Standard
Generally stable, has resolved known design choices, is believed to be well-understood, has received significant community review
Internet Standard
After several years as a Proposed Standard, an RFC may advance the the final stage: Internet Standard. Only a small percentage of RFCs do, such as IPv6.
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Spec maturity levels (WHATWG)

Living Standard
Anything from rough ideas to features thoroughly worked out and implemented in every browser.
Living Standard
No, really, that's it.
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Implementations are to specifications what practice is to theory

Ideal process: Specification is drafted with input from the entire WG, then implementations start when it's mature
In practice, it often doesn't work this way!

Sometimes, implementations come first…

Case study: CSS gradients

Browser-first syntax

Internet Explorer

			filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(
				startColorstr='white', endColorstr='black',

Apple Safari

			background: -webkit-gradient(
				linear, left top, left bottom,
				color-stop(0%, white), color-stop(100%, black));

Case study: CSS gradients

Standards-first syntax

		background: linear-gradient(to bottom, white, black);

Browser developers are not designers. Most don’t use the web technologies they implement. They write C++, not CSS.

Backwards Compatibility
How the Web platform gets stuck with crap features

Sometimes, implementations come too early…

Sometimes, implementations just never happen

A spec with no implementations is a meaningless document

How do I find which specs define a web technology?

CSS Modularization

Are WGs open for contributions from the public?

Most web standardization is transparent

Writing a proposal

Case study: Conic gradients


Then one day in 2017, I got an email…


