6.S063 Design for the Web: Languages and User Interfaces

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Assignment 6


Submitting your homework

We are going to use Github Classroom for this assignment. You need to have an account on GitHub and be logged in. Authorize Github Classroom here and accept the assignment, then follow the instructions there. Please follow the structure and naming of the starter repo, though you can add any additional files if you need them.

To submit the assignment, please visit Canvas and submit the URL to your final commit that you want us to grade. A commit URL looks like https://github.com/designftw/hw6-username/commit/b59f14ba05869b3067724aa6d2006667a54c8e7d. You can submit as many times as you want. This is important. Your homework is not submitted and is accruing slack hours until you do this!

To make sure your homework is graded correctly, please follow the following:

If you submit after the deadline, it will count towards your slack hours.

Exercise 1: Make your homepage more universal (30%)

Now that you've learned how CSS can help make our designs more universal, put your new skills to good use by improving your website!

Ensure that your website that you worked on in HW1/ex2 and HW5/ex1 is:

Exercise 2: Needfinding for chat/IM apps (40%)

This assignment begins a series of steps which will culminate in you implementing a chat/messaging app, following an iterative design process of progressively more high fidelity prototypes and eventually an implementation.

You might decide to design a messaging app for the general population, or something optimized for a particular use case (e.g., discussing a sporting event in real time) or user population (e.g., students enrolled in 2.70 at MIT). It's ok if you are part of the target user population (but you cannot interview yourself).

In HW5 you were asked to compare the usability of several existing chat apps. In this exercise, you will be doing needfinding to see what needs people have from the chat apps they use, and what their pain points are.

You may already have a feature in mind that you want to implement. How does this align with the idea that you are supposed to do needfinding before you design? Well, you've probably come up with that feature by imagining some need that the feature would address. In this case, your user population would be "people who have that need" and your needfinding process would aim at (i) confirming that there are indeed people who have that need and (ii) learning more about the details of that need---as it may turn out that your imagined feature isn't the best way to address it.

Part 1: Interview questions (10%)

Create a list of at least six meaningful starting questions specific to your use case (i.e., not the basic demographic or education questions) that you will ask people in your interviews, taking the advice on needfinding into account. You don't need to adhere to them slavishly during your interviews, it's fine to go a different direction based on the conversation. This is known as a semistructured interview.

Deliverable: The list of questions in your writeup. You could also use branching, e.g. "if the person says X, then ask Y, otherwise ask Z".

Part 2: Interviewing (15%)

Interview at least three people, and record your interviews (you'll find you need to revisit them to fill gaps in your memory). You need not transcribe the interviews word for word, but take detailed notes on what they say.

Deliverable: Your interview notes, and a 5-10 second clip of each interview. Please don't upload your entire interviews in the repo. Include the clip in your writeup through <audio> or <video> elements.

Part 3: Key Insights (15%)

Examine your notes to distill 5-10 most-important conclusions from the notes you took.

Deliverable: Your list of most-important conclusions

Exercise 3: Idea generation for chat/IM apps (30%)

Based on your needfinding, identify at least two needs you could address with your chat app. Then, for each, generate at least two ideas for how you could address these needs, ideally a lot more (remember: quantity over quality!). For each, create sketches to illustrate your ideas (these will also be useful in HW7 when you do paper prototyping), and accompanying text describing the need, the proposed solution, and why you think it will work.

For example, here are some ideas to seed your creative process.

These are just for inspiration; do not use them same ideas for this exercise unless you develop them significantly more.

A Note on Scope

The ideas you present should not be tiny ("use a better font for improved readability"). Also, since you will ultimately be aiming to implement these ideas, they should not be too large ("an online discussion and voting system for state government budgeting"). Instead, you should think on the scale of adding features to what is still at its core a traditional messaging application. These added features are may only partially address the need you've identified. You are encouraged to confer with LAs regarding the scope of your ideas before you flesh them out.

Deliverable: For addressing at least two distinct needs, at least two substantially different candidate designs presented via sketches showing (UIs for) them (hand drawn is fine), each with an accompanying textual explanations of the need(s) it aims to address, how it aims to address it, and why you think it might work.

Exercise N: HW6 feedback

Since this is a new class, we need your constructive feedback about every aspect of it: lectures, homeworks, labs etc.

Please fill in your feedback about HW6 in this form. You can edit it as many times as you like until the survey closes (48 hours after the homework deadline). Since this is part of your participation grade, it does not affect your slack hours, but failing to submit the form on time, could result in a lower participation grade.

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